
I’m Susanne Spencer.

I’m an experienced counsellor, personal development teacher and coach. My passion is personal growth through self-awareness and creative expression. I’m also a writer.

My life has been many ‘lives’ and, in December 2010, I embarked on yet another stage, marked by returning to U.K. after living in France.

I suppose I’m familiar with change. I left Manchester in 1986 and went on to live and work in Dorset, Cheshire, Cumbria, Bath and Bristol, before moving to France in 2005 and then returning six year later to Cumbria. I took a year out to backpack alone around the world at the age of 48 at a time when the world somehow was a less potentially dangerous place than it can often seem today.

It was one of the best years of my life. It was exciting as well as challenging and fulfilling and, despite meeting many lovely people from all around the world, I also experienced occasional periods of loneliness. I suppose it was a kind of delayed adolescence. It turned my life upside down in many ways but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Now my journey has come full circle, well almost, which is how it often is at my particular stage of life. Returning when I did I have been able to witness the development of my four, very young, grandchildren. I wouldn’t have missed that for the world!

I believe all journeys bring the best and the worst of times. I’ve learnt the trick is to accept both the highs and the lows and try to flow with them, whilst moving forward one step at a time (petit a petit) and never giving up. I suspect I’ve started another of those journeys. I hope you are able to share some of it with me.